Postcard to Kazimierz Twardowski written 19.11.1927
Marburg a L. [O1] 19/11/27
Most Honourable Professor!
Immediately upon arriving in Marburg, I sent you a long letter with my Marburg address and the news that I have a copy of Husserl’s review of Inhalt und Gegenstand, authorised by Husserl, for you. Because some of the letters I’ve sent from here have gone missing in transit, I’m sending my address once again (on the reverse) just in case. At the moment I don’t know exactly how long I’ll be here, because I’ve had bad news from home. My wife didn’t obtain the position as a school doctor, and thus it’s out of the question for me to extend my stay beyond the end of January as I’d planned. Accordingly, I’ll probably head for Paris earlier, perhaps in the first few days of December, unless I’m forced to go back home in the nearest future. Yesterday I learned from my wife that my youngest son (Januszek) had caught cold, or an ear infection, again. Apparently, following a few days of treatment, his condition has improved, but in these matters it’s hard to foresee what will happen. So maybe I won’t see Paris at all. ‒ I’m working a lot here. I’ve been going to Heidegger’s lectures on Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, which are very interesting and methodically well conducted. To his seminar on Schelling[O2] , which I can’t digest. In addition, I’m reading Heidegger’s Sein und Zeit [Being and time] and discussing the subject with him directly. Mahnke[O3] , who recently began lecturing here, has disappointed me. I’m also writing my paper, and have made a great deal of progress.
I send my best regards to your wife and yourself and enclose cordial greetings
Roman Ingarden
If I have to leave here, I’ll let you know!
[O1]Nie wiem, co znaczy. Może Marburg an der Lahn (rzeka) [???]
[O2]Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling (1775‒1854)
[O3]Dietrich Mahnke (1884‒1939)