
Letter from Wacław Borowy written 08.12.1939

Warsaw, Św. Barbary St. 10
 n           8.XII.39


Dear Mr. Roman!
 n            n           This time I was the ill one. Therefore, it is only after a month that I answer your  kind letter. – My lecture at the Polonists was a trivial chat; but I could not have even thought of anything better, since there only a few hours were available for all the preparations and it was necessary to save the situation somehow. Naturally, I will send you a copy of the review of ‘Norwidians’ from the ‘Diary’, but it will not really be what I was talking about. While speaking I did not even mention any names; I only discussed the various types of criticisms that were expressed in the more recent literature about Norwid: ‘intellectualism’, ‘sociologism’, ‘formalism’ etc. So it was a kind of generalization of what the review presents in detail. But my position regarding the methods and attitudes that are discussed will be clearly expressed in my review.
 n            n           I have, naturally read your article in ‘Wop Review’ immediately after I left. I am grateful to you for the slight change you have made in one footnote (regarding the probable intentions of my comments in the review of Kridl’s book). Much could still be said about these issues. I hope there will be an opportunity for this. For now, however, I’m stuck with something else.
 n            n           I think your flu already belongs in distant memories. Unfortunately, the university atmosphere in Lviv is certainly not conducive to good humor. Ours is not excellent either, although there are no big rows (the small ones occur almost every day). I often think with horror of how long it might drag on.
 n            n           Best regards and greetings to both of you from both me and Julia
