Letter from Wacław Borowy written 09.09.1938
Warsaw, Św. Barbary St. 10
Dear Mr. Roman!
n Thank you very much for your wishes. I have to admit that I have been feeling a great stage fright before starting in my new profession. I feel like this March bachelor who has decided late on marriage, so he is just standing and scratching his head nervously with a stupid face. Your kind words, as coming from one not overly complementary and prone to pleasantries, give me comfort.
n Regarding the publishing of Scheler’s thesis on Magic: I did not remember that it was in my time as an editor that it was being printed in the Warsaw Review (although I remember my correspondence with you regarding it): it seemed to me that it was part of the editorial that I gave to Kołaczkowski. Naturally, I cannot even almost hold a grudge for that. It is true that I am not interested financially. But I think that the publisher (i.e. “Biblioteka Polska” [Eng. Polish Library], Warszawa, Świętojańska 4) does not count on the proceeds from this publication: after 17 years, the time limitation period is probably already over. In fact, here many publish it even earlier, with no regard for it. I cannot tell you what precisely the copyright law says about it, but I do not think it would turn out to be much stricter than the practice. I can add that after several years I myself, reprinted in my books various minor essays from magazines without asking the publishers for approval and no one expressed their dissatisfaction with me.
n Once again, I thank you for the nice letter and send cordial greetings from both of us