Letter to the Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy written 03.09.1951
Prof. R. Ingarden c c Krakow, 9/3/1951
Department: German Philosophy
c L 37/51
c To
c The Editorial Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy at the SPI
Foksal St. 17
Based on talks with the translators and in accordance with their suggestions, I would like to submit a request for the conclusion of the following translation and translation review contracts:
1. with Witold Galeński, PhD /Kraków, Manifestu Lipcowego 13/, associate professor of the Jagiellonian University for a review of the translation of I. Kant’s Kritik der praktischen Vernuft by F. Kierski. The volume of the work is about 9 and 1/5 author’s sheets /40 000 characters/. Submission deadline: half a year from the signing date of the contract, Royalties: PLN 450 per author’s sheet. Monthly installments.
2. with Mr. Dr Jerzy Gałecki / Kraków, ul. Siemiradzkiego 29 m. 3 /, professor of Pedagogical University of Cracow. New translation of I. Kant’s Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen. The volume of the work: approximately 3.02 author’s sheets. /The old translation by K. Brodziński is outdated /. Submission deadline three months after the signing date of the contract, royalties PLN 700 per author’s sheet, 25% payable upon signature the contract, etc. I am attaching a sample of the translation that I have read and evaluated positively with some reservations that I have conveyed to the translator.
Additionally, either: Friedrich Schiller, Aesthetical Writings, the selection of works making up Volume IV of Schiller’s Complete Works, Tempel-Klassiker, Title List: 1. Ueber das gegenwärtige teutsche Theater, 2. Die Schaubühne als eine moralische Anstalt betrachtet, 3. Brief eines reisenden Dänen, 4. Ueber den Grund das Vergnügens an tragis chen Gegenständen, 5. Ueber się tragische Kunst, 6. Ueber Anmut und Würde, 7. Ueber das Pathetische 8. Zerstreute Betrachtungen über verschiedene ästhetische Gegenstände, 9. Ueber ästhetische Erziehung des Men chen in einer Reihe von Briefen, 10. Ueber die notwendingen Grenzen schöner Formen, 11. Ueber den moralischen Nutzen ästhetischer sentimentalische Dichtung, 13. Ueber das Erhabene, 14. Gedanken über den Gebrauch des Gemainen und Niedrigen in der Kunst. – Volume: over 22 author’s sheets. Submission deadlines: 4 author’s sheets per quarter, starting from 10/1/1951, final deadline: 12/31/1952. Royalties: PLN 700 per author’s sheet payable in monthly installments starting in October 1951. Or, instead of Schiller: Kant, Kritik der Urteilskraft new translation, approximately 21 author’s sheets, same conditions as in the case of Schiller. I suggest that work on Schiller be concluded first, and then another contract regarding Kant’s Critique of Judgment can be prepared after the receipt of the first translation.
3. with Danuta Gierulanka, PhD, associate professor of the Jagiellonian University /Krakow, Dietla St. 99/. René Descartes’s, Entretien avec Burman Manuscrit de Göttingen published by Ch. Adam, including his introduction. Latin text, volume, including the introduction, about 2 and 2/3 author’s sheets. Submission deadline, provided the contract is concluded immediately: 12/31/1951. 25% payable upon signature the contract, etc. and PLN 700 per author’s sheet. I am attaching a sample of the translation and found it to be of good quality.
c However, my suggestion to conclude a contract with Gierulanka, PhD for the translation of Leibniz’s Opuscules et fragment inedits /Couturat/ is no longer valid, as after a closer look at the work at hand and the difficulties posed by its translation the translator stated that she could not accept this task before completing the habilitation dissertation she is currently working on.
4. with Ms. Irena Średzińska, PhD / Krakow, Lenartowicza 11/ Work: Descartes, Regulae ad directionen ingenii, revision of the translation by L. Chmaj. I have only assessed the volume approximately based on the Polish translation: about 3 and 3/4 sheets. Submission deadline: 12/ 31/1951, provided the contract is concluded immediately, royalties: 25% payable upon signature the contract, etc. and PLN 450 per author’s sheet. I am attaching a sample of the translation revision; I consider it to be satisfactory.
5. Yesterday I spoke to Ms. Wanda Wojciechowska, M.A., in the next few days she will contact prof. Elzenberg and send a translation sample. I myself would just like to add that Condillac’s work Traité de sensations will make up around 12 1/5 author’s sheets. The deadline, etc., will be given to prof. Elzenberg by Ms. Wojciechowska.
6. As for the revision of the translation of I. Kant’s Grundelgung der Metaphysik der Sitten carried out by M. Wartenberg, I am prepared to offer the price of PLN 600 per author’s sheet /about 4 and 1/4 author’s sheets of text in total/, because the text is very linguistically complex and the translation requires extensive stylistic changes. I got through about half the revision over the summer, it could be ready in about two months after the signing of the contract.
7. As for the case of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences yielding Rudniński’s revision of the translation of de la Mettrie’s Man a Machine, the Editorial Committee, or possibly the SPI must officially address the General Office of the P.A.L. with a proposal. I have conducted a preliminary conversation with the Secretary General, who basically agreed to it, it is now about setting the conditions. It should be noted that the translator’s widow received PLN /old currency/ 20,000 advance payment which the SPI would have to reimburse the PAAS for, apart from the cost of the translation revision itself. I can bring the corrections suggested by W. Galeński, PhD to our September meeting /or possibly after it, to be agreed upon with the Office/.
c The above-mentioned volumes of works are purely tentative, according to my own calculations, they would have to be checked by the SPI. I think that the translators’ presence in the meeting is not necessary after the conducted talks, and would be enough if the translators are simply given the contracts for signature. After the September meeting of the full Editorial Committee, I will stay in Warsaw for a day, if necessary, in order to finally settle the aforementioned matters.
/Roman Ingarden/