
Postcard from Edmund Husserl written 26.11.1934

Freiburg[,] 26.XI.1934

Dear Friend!

            Your “formal structure” gives me the impression of an extraordinarily fine, unsurpassably diligent work,74 but I must first study it thoroughly. However, that has not been possible in my affliction. Since I wrote the essay meant for the conference (but soon retracted) in Kappel, the quickly jotted down (within two weeks) draft of a historical interpretation of the origin of our final idea of philosophy gave me food for thought, and this led to deep historical philosophical problems which in fact intimidate me.75 In contrast, I read the exceedingly witty new Socrates book by Kuhn (published by “Verlag die Runde”, Berlin). – In the meantime, my Prague “letter” has raised some dust in Germany. Dr. Fink is once again in great shape. The introduction to the first volume of Zeitwerk has been greatly amended after consideration of the historical experiments concerning a theory of t[ime] and is almost a whole book by itself. However, it will become a nice work and especially a fundamental one. Our daily discussions are very stimulating. – Last week, we had a very interesting philosophical visit from Ortega y Gasset, who brought us a big surprise: He has been studying my writings extremely thoroughly. He held daily very serious discussions with me and F[ink], in which his questions touched the most difficult depths. He’s not only a publisher who really influences the new Spain, but also a professor and head of a phen[omenological] school. He is now going to work on a translation of Medit[ations] followed by the rest of the works (the Sp[anish] edition of Log[ical] Invest[igations] is in everyone’s hands). By the way, he is a wonderful person. How is your semester coming along? I hope you are doing well. Best regards from both of us!

Your old friend, E. Husserl