Letter from Felix Kaufmann written 22.10.1935
Dr. Felix Kaufmann
Vienna, XIX.
Doblinger Hauptstrasse 90 n Vienna, October 22, 1935
n Professor Roman Ingarden
m Lwów.
n n n Dear Mr. Ingarden,
n n n Thank you very much for sending me your separatum article. I should be able to enjoy the article in about eight days since this is the amount of time, I should need to add the final notes to complete my book. This is much, much later than I had initially hoped. My book should probably be published around the middle of November. Following the completion of my book, I will finally have time to carefully study your book, “The Literary Work of Art”, and I will report back to you with my thoughts.
n n n You are probably aware that Husserl is scheduled to give four lectures in Prague in November of which the first one will take place on November 14. I am planning to travel to Prague on November 14 or 15, if at all possible, and stay for two to three days to visit him. It would be wonderful if you could take some time off and join us for a few days.
n n n I am happy to report that Fink finally received a stipend from England for which I applied on his behalf a long time ago. He received £100.00 which should be equivalent to RMk.1,500.00. This should be enough for him to live on for about one year.
n n n You have probably heard that Dr. Landgrebe is involved in the publication of Husserl’s manuscripts by Cercle Philosophique. I sincerely hope this work will continue as long as possible and without interruption.
n n n I would be delighted to hear from you soon and, more particularly, to see you in Prague.
n n n Sincerely yours,
n n n Felix Kaufmann