Letter from Malvine Husserl written 15.05.1931
Freiburg i.Br., 15.V.31
n n Dear Mr. Ingarden,
n My husband (and I) were happy to receive your letter. The faithfulness, which you express so naturally, touches us again and again, and it is of the utmost importance to my husband to hear your individual approval and criticism concerning the French book. The German edition is, in any case, to be expanded by two additional meditations. Dr. Fink has been working on it with my husband, and they are using other manuscripts and discuss everything on their daily long walks.55 You know how well Fink is able to respond to these intentions and how much he advanced in his training in Husserl’s phen[omenology].
n Despite his mental ploughing through this material, it is very important to my husband that you formulate your suggestions as soon as possible and send them to him by June. He would like you to provide suggestions in every respect, meaning things that seem to be missing or things that are not clearly explained.56
n The lecture tour is scheduled to begin on May 31: On June 1 and 2, he will be in Frankf[urt], on June 10 in Berlin, and on June 16 in Halle. We should be back around June 20, and my husband is hoping to finally complete the German edition of the C[artesian] M[editations]. The sooner your feedback arrives the better, because this would allow Fink to think it through beforehand.
n Otherwise, we are doing quite well. My husband is working diligently because he wants the lecture to be of significance to people and resolve some annoying misconceptions. And then there are plenty of interruptions. Recently, an English clergyman (the son of the Archbishop of Wales) was here for almost a week to familiarize himself with phenom[enology] because he would like to translate the Logic. For the time being, my h[usband] advised him to spend another year deepening his understanding. Dr. Gibson’s translation of Ideas is currently being printed in London.
n What about your appointment? If only you could rid yourself of the drudgery at the secondary school!
n Best regards to you and your dear wife.
In friendship,
yours Malvine Husserl