Letter to Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 12.02.1952
Rkp 1529
Cracow, 12/2/1952
Dear Most Honourable Professor!
I spoke to Prof. Heinrich on the phone today about convening a meeting of the Library of Classics of Philosophy Committee. Prof. H. expressed his agreement without voicing any reservations. I didn’t give him a precise date; I did say, however, that it was a question of holding the meeting at the next general assembly of the Polish Academy of Learning at the beginning of March. I’d like to know when the general assembly will be held. Given that there’s usually a logjam of meetings at that time, I’ll address myself to the Polish Academy of Learning office, so as to find out the details and arrange everything so that our meeting doesn’t interfere with others. I’ll send out invitations at such a time that the out-of-town members will be able to attend the meeting.
I’d also like to know when the next meeting of the Philosophical Commission will be held and whether there is something for me to do in this regard.
I’m taking this opportunity to inform you that the general assembly of the Cracow branch of the Philosophical Society will take place on 23 February of this year. Immediately prior to the meeting: my lecture, entitled ‘On the difficulties of translating the classics of philosophy’. On 20 February, I’m speaking to the Polish Academy of Learning Commission on Western European Literature concerning Lessing’s Laocoon.
I attach cordial greetings and expressions of true esteem
/signature/ Roman Ingarden