Letter to Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 20.03.1967
Cracow, 20 March 1967
Dear Władysław,
immediately upon arriving, I telephoned the Dean’s office to inform you that the defence of Ms Wójcik’s doctoral dissertation is to take place on 6 April. Since you’d told me that you have the hotel safely reserved, I didn’t talk to the Dean’s office about it. As for your lecture, I’d prefer [O1] it to take place when you come to Cracow for the promotion of the honorary doctorate. I’m counting on this because, inter alia, I hear through the grapevine that the Dean has barred local philosophers from the honour of promoting your doctorate, and the Department approved that. Bochnak is evidently supposed to be the promoter. Therefore I’d want you, in receiving this doctorate, to appear in the appropriate role of a philosopher.
I’ll be in Warsaw[O2] until the meeting of the First Department of the Polish Academy of Sciences, but we’ll see each other here before then. Accordingly, I’m sending you cordial wishes for a Happy Easter and cordial greetings
Your Roman [Roman]
[O1]Oryg: wlałbym, chyba wolałbym
[O2]Oryg: w warszawie, chyba we Warszawie