Letter to the Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy written 23.01.1953
Prof. Roman Ingarden c c c c Krakow, 1/23/1953
Krakow, Biskupia St. 14
c The Editorial Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy
c at Polish Scientific Publishers PWN
c c c c c c in Warsaw
As promised, I attach herewith:
1. Corrected galley proofs no. 38-94 /with my suggestions marked in red pencil/,
2. The typescript delivered to me in Warsaw /with the censorship stamp/,
3. 34 pages of my typescript, which I send, so that the Committee Office can check whether the first correction of galley proofs 1-37 contain all corrections marked with a pen in my typescript. It turned out that in the galley proofs I corrected in Krakow some of these corrections were omitted. Apparently, the Committee Office’s copy was not accurate. Please return this typescript afterwards.
I would like to also ask you to kindly send me the second correction after typesetting. I will insert a page header myself in the 2nd correction. Finally, please replace the the word “reason” with the word “intellect” in galley proofs 1-37 and those I am sending you herewith and add a footnote explaining the introduction of this terminological change in relation to with the corresponding terminological change in the current translation of “Critique of Pure Reason”. This note should be placed where the words ‘Verstand’ first appears in “Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals morality”.