
Letter to the Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy written 24.03.1954

Date of creation 24.03.1954
Related places Cracow
Reference code in archive K_III-26_D_34
Copyrights all rights reserved
Resource type letter

Prof. R. Ingarden                 c          c          c          c          c                        Krakow, 3/24/1955
Krakow, Biskupia 14 apt. 15


To the Editorial Committee of the LCP
   c       c          c              IN WARSAW

I confirm the receipt of the letter from 3/23, meaning Burman’s translation and the letter from prof. Legowicz.
Thank you for the letter and for explaining the reasons for the delay in sending the typescript of Kant. I would also like to point out that I am glad that the technical editors proposed to print the texts from issue A with line spacing. I was thinking about it myself, but I thought that the decision to print without it is final and that I would have no influence over it. If the copy of Kemp Smith’s English translation is no longer needed, I would be grateful if you could return it, as I would like to use it when compiling the index. Due to the fact that the index is to contain page numbers from the original editions, it can already be prepared.

My deepest respect

/Prof. Roman Ingarden/