Letter to the Polish Academy of Science written 04.10.1964
Prof. Roman Ingarden
Krakow, Biskupia 14 c c c Krakow, 10/4/1964
International Scientific Cooperation Office
Ms. Czamarska
Warsaw. Palace of Culture and Science
c c c Warsaw. Palace of Culture and Science
Dear Madam,
Today I got a 1st class train ticket from Warsaw to Hameln, but I was not sent a ticket for the sleeping car, because apparently this case could not be settled in the German Federal Republic. However, I was informed that in the coming days they would send and a reasonable sum to cover the cost of the sleeping car.
The letter I have received today says that my arrival in Hameln will be expected on the afternoon of Oct. 19 (further travel by car), which means I should leave Warsaw at the night of 18/19 and on this day you should order (book) a seat in the sleeping car Warsaw-Berlin (as far as xxxxxx is a train to Paris which leaves Warsaw at 11.15 p.m. (0.15 a.m. in the summer) with a transfer in Berlin from the sleeping car to the regular one. What is important is that a car will be waiting for me in Hameln on 19 (October nineteenth). Please kindly inform me if there were any problem with ordering a sleeping seat for this date (first class). I am also kindly asking for a message as soon as the passport is ready, as I have to give a definite answer regarding my arrival.
My deepest respect
(Roman Ingarden, senior)