Postcard from Karol Irzykowski written 22.09.1936
22 September 1936
Honourable Professor! I hereby remind you that you’re scheduled to deliver a lecture at the Pol.[ish] Ac.[ademy of] Lit.[erature] in October. The costs (100 zlotys) are, of course, covered by the Academy (on whose authority I’m writing) following the meeting. Please reserve this time, then, and at least give a sign of life. As for the topic, I wrote about it in my last letter, but I’d ask you to set it. I apologise for not writing officially (i.e. on a post card) but I’m in a hurry because I’m going away for a couple of days.
With high esteem
c Karol Irzykowski
Karol Irzykowski
ul. 6 Sierpnia 47
building 8 apt. 8
Honourable Professor
Dr Roman Ingarden
Zacharjewicza 7
Sławkowska 32
Pijarska 7
2nd floor
Konarskiego 46