Letter to Kazimierz Twardowski written 17.08.1924
Toruń, 17/8/24
Most Honourable Professor!
A few days ago I received a reply from Dr Janelli to my letter regarding my relocation to Lviv. The answer is that if I wish to relocate by means of applying for the competition, this will be possible only as of 1/2/1925. Since any other means of relocating is out of the question for me, given that I don’t have the means to cover the relevant costs, I’ll be forced to stay in Toruń until that time.
I don’t know whether the Ministry will settle the matter of my habilitation by the beginning of the autumn trimester. If they don’t, then, given my inability to relocate to Lviv in the autumn, the issue arises of obtaining leave from the University for the autumn semester. As far as I know, it’s possible to obtain leaves of this kind. I just don’t know what the procedure is, whether to submit an application in this matter – and to whom – to the Senate, or to the Dean’s office, or perhaps to the Ministry. Thus I’d be very grateful to you if you’d be so gracious as to inform me in this respect – at your convenience, as the matter is not urgent at the moment.
Prior to the start of the lectures, I’d like to allocate something to their preparation, i.e. to supplement my education. I’ve also turned, for the second time, to Mr S. Michalski at the ministry with the question as to whether I might obtain a scholarship for a trip to Paris. I sent this letter a few days ago; thus I haven’t had an answer yet. In this case, however, I’d like to know whether you’d be inclined to support my efforts towards a scholarship, if such support was needed or indicated. I’d be deeply obliged to you, of course, for such gracious support. My six years of tedious school work has never allowed me to devote myself completely to original philosophical work, and the nature of that school work has had an effect on my mentality. I imagine that the influence of a great intellectual centre like Paris would have to have a cleansing effect on this patina that has formed on me, i.e. to remove it.
I’m slowly starting to get to work. I intend to write a brief article on Kant, and moreover develop ‒ perhaps in German ‒ the lecture I delivered at the Congress as a more extensive publication. If I could count on being able to publish it, I’d write a longer dissertation on the foundations of the theory of cognition, in Polish. I enclose expressions of the most profound esteem
R. Ingarden