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Questionnaire of Konstanty Michalski from N/D



n        To all honorable former political prisoners of the German occupation,
I am writing to you with a polite and fervent request for help in my research you can provide by giving more or less extensive answers to the questions below. The purposes of the survey require to specify at the beginning: 1 / sex, 2 / age, 3 / occupation, 4 / where and how long you have been in prison or a camp / it is enough to provide the months and years /. Do not disclose your name. With regards to camp experiences, please also pay attention to internal spiritual experiences and processes taking place in the soul. I will be honestly grateful for every answer and use it only for scientific purposes. Please consider the fact that I have experienced what the camp and prison is firsthand to be my guarantee of discretion and tact. The questions are as follows:

  1. What kept me alive the most in the camp and prison?
  2. What hurt me and tormented me the most there?
  3. Have I come to feel deeper respect for someone there and why?
  4. Did I perform any acts on my own initiative or in consultation with my companions outside compulsory ones and against given orders?


Please kindly send the answers to me at my address:

Fr. Konstanty Michalski
Professor of the Jag. Univ.
Krakow, Stradom 4.

  1. Did I deepen or change my views on an important issue of life during said time?