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Questionnaire of Konstanty Michalski from N/D 1
Konstanty Michalski
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academic issues
#academic goals, #academic research, #academic work, #activity, #address, #camp, #camp experience, #camp life, #comfort, #experience at the camp, #German occupation, #Konstanty Michalski, #obligatory activities, #pain, #political prisoners, #prison, #prisoners, #processes of soul, #prohibitions, #questionnaire, #research of prisoners, #respect, #spiritual experiences, #torment, #view of life, #war
addressed to former political prisoners
under the German occupation
n The purposes of the survey require to specify at the beginning: 1 / sex, 2 / age, 3 / occupation, 4 / where and how long you have been in prison or a camp / it is enough to provide the months and years /. Do not disclose your name. With regards to camp experiences, pay attention to internal, spiritual experiences and processes taking place in the soul.
n The questions are as follows:
- What kept me alive the most in the camp and prison?
- What hurt me and tormented me the most there?
- Have I come to feel deeper respect for someone there and why?
- Did I perform any acts on my own initiative or in consultation with my companions outside compulsory ones and against given orders?
- Did I deepen or change my views on an important issue of life during said time?
n Please kindly send the answers to me at my address:
Fr. Konstanty Michalski
Professor of the Jag. Univ.
Krakow, Stradom 4.