Postcard from Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 07.06.1933
Honoured Doctor, Thank you most kindly for your basic promise to place the dissertation on the musical work in [Philosophical] Review. If the manuscript can’t be ready for June, I’ll place the dissertation in the next issue; this will entail the normal time difference, as the issues will be single and will go one by one: I think that the first will come out in September and the second the following month. I’d have to have the manuscript for the second issue no later than 20 August.
At the same time, another (lesser) matter. Would you mind submitting to the report department even a very brief informational note (e.g. 1 page) concerning the latest papers by Husserl and Heidegger? You know them and have written about them; therefore I don’t think that a brief Polish formulation will take too much time. This emboldens me to turn to you with a request like this, even though I know how busy you are now. This report could go into either the next issue or the following one. However, I want to point out that I’m more concerned with your dissertation on the musical work!
Expressions of respect and a handshake
Mr Roman Ingarden
ul. Jabłonowskich 4