Letter from Bogdan Suchodolski written in n.d. (2)
Dear Roman,
forgive me for writing so briefly, but I’ve just returned from London and have a great number of matters to be settled. Thus I’ll answer only the most urgent questions: 1) My books were taken by Prof. Krzyżanowski, who was supposed to communicate with you, but who was informed of the substitution of the wagon 3 hours before the train left, so he simply didn’t have time. Of course, I’m dreaming about the cabinets (Prof. K. took only one) because without them the books are heaped up and it’s impossible to find anything. 2) I wrote to Wrocław before departing for England – meaning the letter never arrived. I wrote that I couldn’t accept the chair, because I’m too closely linked with Warsaw (although essentially I haven’t been nominated by the ministry). Leaving a ‘way out’ behind me may backfire, since the ministry could say: they won’t confirm you in Warsaw because Wrocław doesn’t have anybody. From this point of view, maybe it’s better when there’s a vacancy in Warsaw only. Anyway, it’s hard today to find any security for the future at all. If political conditions are liberal, they won’t hurt us under any circumstances; if things go in a revolutionary direction, the ministry will always have the right of dismissal and relocation. 3) Unfortunately, I didn’t see your son. I just couldn’t manage to find him. If not for the fact that my trip was decided in 2 days, I would’ve communicated with you prior to my departure.
Unfortunately, England made a rather depressing impression: a sense of impasse, confusion concerning what to do with Europe and the world, vague expectations of threatening cataclysms.