Attachment to letter to the Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy written 12.08.1952
Prof. Roman Ingarden c c c c c Krakow, 8/12/1952
Krakow, Biskupia St. 14
L 38/52
c The Editorial Committee
c of the Library of Classics of Philosophy
c c c c WARSAW
Today I came back from the seaside, where I received a message about a letter from the Editorial Committee L.Dz.223.KKF/ 52 arriving at y place together with a copy of the “proofread” translation of Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals /by Wartenberg/. In view of the of August 18th deadline I had to shorten my stay by the sea, despite original intentions. I believe that during the holiday period, the Committee should communicate with the translators before setting production dates. Secondly, please send me back the copy of the translation containing my final corrections /typescript on white paper/. Based on an oral agreement, I was to receive a copy on tissue paper with m y corrections in it. Instead, I got a copy with very numerous [and] substantive corrections – as far as I could tell – and I do not know if my corrections have been included therein or not. I cannot do anything without my copy. Thirdly: the changes that have been marked force me to revise the whole text again, for the third time, so there is no way I could do it in just a few days, especially since I had not been informed about the deadline or that this sort of “proofreading” would be involved in advance /typescript proofreading , i.e. marking all the minor mistakes which have crept into the text in the process of typing, instead of introducing far-reaching stylistic and substantive changes, probably made without the source text/. Either way, I am waiting for my text to arrive, and then I will let you know how I intend to settle this whole matter.
My deepest respect