Letter from Henryk Mehlberg written in 11.07.1947
Warsaw 11/7/1947
Styki 10/1
c Dear Honoured Professor!
c I’m glad that the first set of proofs is ready, and even more so that the substantive impression was rather positive. Of course, I’m going to make every effort not to miss significant omissions in the second set of proofs; there shouldn’t be many of them, because I read the first set very carefully. – I haven’t seen Mr B for a long time; he’s on holiday, from which he is supposed to return at the beginning of August.
c As for me, I’m staying in Warsaw and intend to basically spend the holidays on ‘Positivisme et Science II’ [French: Positivism and science II]. At the moment I’m reading a great deal about the issue of perception, which is essential for this part. I don’t know whether it’d be too bold on my part to ask you to graciously bring Phénoménologie de la Perception [French: The Phenomenology of Perception by Merleau-Ponty], as once promised, to Warsaw, where I’d pick it up at the indicated address.
c Please don’t be angry with me concerning this request, and please accept my most profound respect and attachment.
H Mehlberg