
Letter from Irena Krońska written in 06.01.1947

53, rue des Chénaux,
   Sceaux (Seine)
January 6, 1947


Honorable and dear Professor!

   Thank you very much for your kind letter. I send you my best wishes for the New Year; may you find satisfaction and happiness in it – forgive me for being a little late, but I was waiting for a message from Krakow before writing you.

   I surely do not need to assure Professor me that your visit in Paris brought me a lot of joy and it is a great pleasure to recall our conversations, so cordial, interesting, and instructive for me. – I was also sad after the Professor’s departure – and we were worried about your son’s health, too – have you gotten any better news since?

   I attach some library information to the letter. In the evening I will drop by the Polish Bookstore and let you know in the post scriptum what I found out. In case you have any difficulty getting Revue Philos. and de Métaphysique et Morale, I would be happy to communicate the contents of current issues to you, and if something turns out to be of particular interest to you, I would send it to you. As for Dieu Vivant (I provide the address at XXX), this journal is not very philosophical.

   Thank you for the information on Ganszyniec. I wrote him and am waiting for an answer. I have already received the subject of the thése (Isocrates’ literary ideas), but I cannot confirm it without these certificates. And the local doctorate takes two years from the moment the thesis is officially entered into the register.

   In the matter of the translation of Professor’s book, my French is more reliable every day, and maybe I could manage to help a bit. However, it poses a few considerable difficulties: one technical and the other psychological. The technical one lies in the absence of a typewriter. I am trying to borrow one, but for now no success or even chance. Maybe prof. Wędkiewicz (who is currently in the country) could help, or the Polish Library – but I am not sure. The mental difficulty lies in the unstable situation at the university that takes away from my peace. Anyway, you surely know about this as philosophers – with the exception of consistent psychologists – basically know everything. – If I manage to successfully overcome both difficulties, me and my pen are at Professor’s service.

   After Professor’s departure, we had a wave of severe frosts. Then it warmed up, until yesterday the frost returned, and I caught a cold. I resent Paris for such a harsh winter neither the people nor the houses are prepared for.

   When do you expect your book to come out, Professor? I would like to read it – and I expect metaphysics in it as well, and this is what interests me above all. Please do not forget about me when sending out the first copies. I would also write a review for one of the French magazines.

Once again, thank you for the delightful time in Paris
I am awaiting any news
My deepest respect
and cordial greetings

Irena Krońska

Best New Year wishes and beautiful bows from my husband



I just I talked to Mr. Lam – he claims that he has already subscribed Professor to Revue Philos. d Rev. de Mét Morale – and that you will receive these notebooks soon. – Please let me know if they really did come, if not, then I will ask again at the Polish Library.