
Letter from Irena Krońska written in 27.03.1954

    x          EDITORIAL COMMITTEE              x                                               Warsaw, 3/27/1954
    x          x          x  Warsaw
    x      Krakowskie Przedmieście St. 79              x        x            Prof.
    x          x          x          x          x          x          x          x        Roman Ingarden, PhD

L.dz./35/LCP/54          x          x          x            x                x        Krakow
    x          x          x          x          x          x              x          x      xBiskupia St. 14/15



               On Friday, April 2, 1954 at 4:30 p.m., a meeting of the Editorial Committee of the Library of the Classics of Philosophy at the State Scientific Publishers PWN will be held

    x          x      in accordance with the following agenda:

1.Minutes of the previous meeting

2.Discussion of issues related to Library’s publications that went, or will be going, into production in 1954, with particular emphasis on certain terminological issues that emerged in the course of translation of Spinoza’s Ethics.

3.Free motions.


P.S. Thank you for your last letter. I think that it is would       x          x          x      Irena Krońska
be very worthwhile for Professor to read the galley proofs     x          x          x          x      I Krońska
until the end – after all, we have another proof coming right     x          x          x      Secretary
after typesetting. – I am very sorry that we could not meet in Warsaw –
    x          x          x          x          x      cordial greetings
    x          x          x          x          x          x          x          x        IK