Letter from Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz written 10/1/1948
Studia Philosophica Poznań, 1 October 1948
Poznań, Fredry 10
Dear Roman!
I would be very pleased to place an article from you in the next volume of Studia Philosophica. I’m leaving the choice of topic completely free. It could also be a translation of some newer work published in Polish and in no other language. The deadline for submitting the manuscript: 1 January 1949. If I’ve already received an article in English or French, the deadline will be moved to 1 February. The editorial board will pay 15 zlotys per verse for a translation; the author’s honorarium is the same.
I respectfully ask you to send a reply by 15 October, and I’ll repeat once again that I very much desire it to be positive.
I attach cordial greetings
K. Ajdukiewicz
I answered 18/10/48[O1]
[O1]Chyba to notacja dodana przez sam Ingardena.