Letter from Felix Kaufmann written 23.03.1936
Dr. Felix Kaufmann
Vienna, XIX.
Doblinger Hauptstrasse 90 n Vienna, March 23, 1936
n Professor Roman Ingarden
n n Dear Mr. Ingarden,
n n Thank you for your kind letter. I am happy to hear that you are hoping to find time to read my book during spring break.
n n Professor Utitz was in Vienna a few weeks ago and told me that the Cercle Philosophique de Prague will be inviting you to give a lecture in Prague sometime in May. I hope you will be able to accept their invitation. I asked Professor Utitz to send me an invitation to this event since I would like to see you there; however, I am quite busy at the office and often unavailable. Would you be able to travel to Vienna immediately after your stay in Prague? We would be delighted if you could make it. If you are able to come, I could arrange for you to give a lecture – perhaps on a topic that is connected to your book on “The Literary Work of Art”. Since you would probably like to receive compensation for your lecture, it would have to appeal to a wider audience. Please let me know as soon as possible and before you finish planning your entire program for the summer semester.
n n You surely must have heard that Professor Liebert, who is now a professor at the University of Belgrade, is working on the establishment of an international “Philosophica” society. Cercle Philosophique de Prague is supporting his efforts. Husserl’s lectures from Prague, which have been edited by now, are going to be published in the society’s magazine.
n n Professor Liebert just wrote me that he would like to include a detailed discussion on my “Methodology of Social Sciences” in his magazine and asked me if I could recommend a reviewer. I would prefer if you agreed to review my work because you are one of the few people who have the proper philosophical background for this task. As far as I know, most of the review copies were sent to social science magazines. It is thus all the more important to me to get a review from a real expert in a philosophical magazine which is read internationally. May I ask you to let me know at your earliest convenience whether you would be able to work on this review since Professor Liebert is expecting my reply? If this were acceptable to you, I would ask him to send you an invitation directly. In addition, he offered to have the publisher send a review copy directly to the reviewer indicated by me, and I would immediately arrange for this if you would like to receive another copy. However, if the presentation copy is sufficient for you, I would prefer that option. The publisher set aside a limited amount of review copies, and this would mean that another magazine would not receive a review copy since we hadn’t planned on sending a copy out for a review in the “Philosophica” magazine.
n n I am now feeling well-rested from the work of the last couple of years and am currently trying to develop an epistemological program with special consideration for social sciences. Finally, I have the time to thoroughly study your book, “The Literary Work of Art”. Mr. Hans Lassner, one of Husserl’s students, gave it to me. I am hoping to provide feedback to you in a few weeks. Today, I received a brochure from Studia Philosophica. I will certainly share this information with my philosophical acquaintances.
n n I have been in regular correspondence via mail with Professor Husserl. The publication of his manuscripts is indeed a serious problem – also for the reasons you mentioned. This is another topic I would like to discuss with you in greater detail.
n n Things are well at our home.
n n My wife and I are sending our regards. She would be delighted to welcome you to our town this spring.
Sincerely yours,
Felix Kaufmann