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Letter from Kazimierz Twardowski written 01.09.1936

In Lviv, 1 September 1936.



                       Honoured Colleague!

            I cordially thank you for your card and for the news it contained. You’re probably already on your own now, i.e. without your wife, in Zakopane, since our scouts have already returned from Romania. Please stay as long as possible in Zakopane and relax thoroughly after a full year of hard work!

            On 17 August of this year, I received from Niemayer,[O1]  on the appropriate form, an urgent message concerning the printing, in Philosophical Movement, of a review of Metzger[O2] ’s book Phänomenologie und Metaphysik [Phenomenology and Metaphysics]. The address on this form reads: An die Schriftleitung Ruch Filozoficzny, Herrn Prof. Ingarden, Lemberg [To the Editorial Staff of Philosophical Movement, Prof. Ingarden, Lviv]. In urging us to print this review, Niemayer refers to the fact that on 22/9/1933 he sent a review copy of this paper. Indeed, I received this copy and you were so good as to promise to write a review for me. That was 3 October 1933, on which day I also sent you the review copy. I’m therefore taking the liberty of reminding you of this matter.

            A few days ago I received a visit from Dr Stendig[O3] , who once sought publication by the Polish Philosophical Society of a paper on eighteenth-century French materialism. He asked me to give him a ‘review’ copy of the first volume of Studia Philosophica, because he wishes to write a review of this publication. I think that his request can be satisfied; it’s just necessary to ensure that either he actually publishes a review, or that he either returns the copy given him or refunds its price. How do you see this?

            I enclose expressions of genuine esteem and cordial greetings

                                                                                                                          K. Twardowski



[O1]Najprawdopodobnie Herman Niemayer (1883‒1964) jako dyrektor Niemayer Verlag
[O2]Arnold Metzger (1892‒1974)
[O3]Prawdopodobnie Samuel Stendig (1900‒43)