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Letter from Kazimierz Twardowski written 26.10.1915

Lviv, 26 October 1915.



                                  Honoured Sir!

                       In replying to your letter of the 10th of this month, I must first dispel all of your fears. I didn’t reply to the letter written to me at the time your departure from Göttingen because I didn’t have time. However, immediately upon receipt of this letter I wrote to the Viennese Academic House in order to provide Mr Brokman with suitable assistance; after learning a few days later that you intervened personally in Vienna, I instructed the Academic House to send 50 crowns a second time. If necessary, I can tell Mr Brokman to have a bit more money sent.

                       As regards the matter of the Husserl translation raised in your Göttingen letter, a Polish translation is already in progress; it was undertaken and begun before the war by Dr Leśniewski[O1] .

                       I was in Cracow on the 11th and 12th of this month; I received your letter, of course, only after returning to Lviv; I regret not knowing that you were already enjoying yourself then in Cracow.

                                             Cordial regards

                                                                              Dr K. Twardowski



[O1]Stanisław Leśniewski (1886‒1939)[??]