Letter to the Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy written 09.03.1954
prof. Roman Ingarden bv bv bv bv b bv v bv bv Krakow, 3/9/1954
department of German philosophy
bv The Editorial Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy
bv bv bv bv bv bv in WARSAW
In response to prof. Gawecki’s inquiry I would like to respectfully report that the Jagiellonian Library does not possess the first edition of Locke’s “Concerning human understanding”, only two 19th century editions are available.
At the same time, I am kindly asking you to send in the French translation of Spinoza’s Ethics as soon as possible; as far as I know, it was procured by Committee. I will need it when correcting Ethics. In view of the fact that many of my revisions have been rejected, I consider it necessary to check all the doubtful places also by comparing them with the French translation. Both the Latin text and the German translation I have speak mostly in favor of my suggestions, but I would welcome one more control method. I think that before reconsidering all these, quite numerous, places, printing cannot be continued.
Due to the fact that a full editorial committee meeting is to take place in April, I am kindly asking you to place on the agenda a point devoted to determining the competence and the duties of department heads and editors of individual works. This matter has already been discussed at the Committee, but the results of the discussions were unclear. Therefore, I think that it would be advisable to also discuss this matter at a Committee meeting.
My deepest respect and cordial greetings