Letter to Kazimierz Twardowski written 29.02.1928
Paris, 29/2/28.
Most Honourable Professor,
First of all, I’d like to offer you my warm and heartfelt wishes for all manner of prosperity on your Name Day. May you continue to enjoy good health so as to be able to continue your fruitful academic and pedagogical work as heretofore! I’m glad that Kazik Ajdukiewicz’s appointment will soon take shape in reality, as this will enable the reduction of the examination-related and administrative responsibilities which have burdened you so much for years.
I cordially thank you for your letter of the 25th of this month and for the news contained therein. I’d supposed that a change, or increase, in the number of hours of my assigned lectures in the third trimester would be impossible, but wanted to ask, just in case. My chief concern was to organise my lectures in the third trimester so that my students would be able to obtain a kind of rounded whole. From your letter, I see that some legal formula might be found that would make this possible. As for the exercises, perhaps I can still consult with you following my return to Lviv. The thought has just come to mind that, in order to retain the title of the exercises and at the same time limit the material to a greater extent, it’d be possible to read the third dissertation from volume II of Logische Untersuchungen [German: Logical investigations]. However, there’d be a problem with copies, since Log. Unters. is expensive, and moreover the third edition is now exhausted, whereas the fourth edition is only now going to press, and I don’t know whether it’ll be ready by the end of April.
Wacław Borowy[O1] ’s address is: Warsaw, ul. Krucza 44. I can’t answer the question of whether he’d fancy producing the summaries you have in mind, but given the lack of people who know Italian and also possess a philosophical education, it may be possible to ask him. Perhaps, though, you’d permit me to first turn to Mr Borowy privately with this question, so as to avoid the prospect of your encountering a refusal if lack of time or other circumstances prevent him from fulfilling your wishes. I’m not very familiar with appropriate ways to proceed, and thus don’t know whether my proposal makes sense, but if you consider this option advisable, I can carry it out at any time. For now, obviously, lacking your authorisation, I won’t speak to Mr Borowy.
I’m continuing to read books in connection with my paper, but I’m not really finding much interesting material. ‒ My address, should you need it, will remain unchanged until 15/3. Between about 18/3 and 28/3 [O2] I’ll be staying with Prof. Husserl: Freiburg, Lorettostr. 40.
Repeating my cordial wishes once more, and regretting that this year, unfortunately, I can’t offer them in person, I enclose expressions of my profound esteem and respect. At the same time, I ask you to please give my best regards to your wife
Roman Ingarden
[O2]Oryginalna wersja: 28/II, ale chyba powinna być 28/III