Letter from Stefan Żółkiewski written in 22.02.1966
POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES c c Warsaw, 22/2/1966
c c c c c Palace of Culture and Science
L. dz. SN/53/796/66
c Most Honoured Professor!
c From 12–19 September of this year, the Committee for Research on Contemporary Culture of the Polish Academy of Sciences is organising an international conference, devoted to the issues of semiotics, which it would like to make a starting point for the organisation of a permanently functioning International Committee devoted to these issues.
c The framework programme of our meeting anticipates the following problems: 1) typology of signs, 2) artificial languages, 3) semiological problems of natural language, 4) sign systems in art, 5) the most important existing theories in general semiotics.
We would be very glad if you would be willing to take part in our meeting, either to present a paper or as a participant in the discussion.
c Our experience from our meetings has taught us that their success depends on the advance delivery of texts to participants. If, then, you would be willing to take part in our meeting, we would ask you to inform us of your topic by 15 March and to send us your text, in one of the four internationally accepted languages, no later than 30 June of this year.
c Your presence is so essential for us that we would be grateful for it even if, due to an overload of activities, you are unable to meet the two last conditions.
In awaiting your gracious response, I enclose expressions of genuine respect
c S Żółkiewski
(Prof. Dr Stefan Żółkiewski)