Letter from Tadeusz Czeżowski written 01.06.1950
Toruń, 1 June 1950
Dear Roman!
I cordially thank you for your letter of 22 May and for the table of contents of Dialectica. Please thank as well the person who did it for the trouble; it was written very carefully, with no errors, and I’ve already made use of it.
In accordance with your wishes, we sent Prof. Wellek both issues of Philosophical Movement. We entered this consignment in the account of specimen numbers, so that the costs need not be paid back.
Elzenberg returned from Cracow satisfied and told me about his impressions. On this occasion, I learned that he received no reimbursement for his travel expenses. As far as I know, the Academy reimburses the expenses of lecturers (I’ve made use of this on occasion), and so I think that there’s been a misunderstanding here. Perhaps you wouldn’t mind looking into this and possibly sending money to Toruń.
I am still waiting for the authorisation for Philosophical Movement promised to me in the Ministry, along with the credits[O1] . I have the issue prepared; again, it’ll be quite extensive.
Best regards and cordial greetings
I kiss your wife’s hand
PS. Your son was here at the Congress of Physicists ‒ they speak well of him!
[O1]loans [?] credits [?]