Postcard from Tadeusz Czeżowski written 22.02.1958
Toruń, 22 February 1958.
My dear friend! Today I received a packet of typed manuscripts along with your letter of the 18th of this month and your card of the 20th. Before looking through the material, I’m writing these few lines to confirm receipt. I’ll manage to rewrite the whole thing as soon as possible, but I don’t think it’s possible to count on my finishing by April; accordingly, I advise you to postpone the ceremony until his name-day in June. I also suggest that papers by deceased students (Wasilewski, Siwecki, Frydman) be included as well in the typewritten copy, regardless of the decision as to whether to publish them. Salamucha’s paper was also among the materials that I once turned over to you. What happened to it? Was it sent somewhere to be printed?
I’m overwhelmed right now with preparations for Phil. Movement, the first (double) issue of which should go to the printer as quickly as possible. As soon as I ship it out, I’ll take care of the Book.
Cordial greetings to both of you
The Most Honourable
Prof. Dr Roman Ingarden
ul. Biskupia 14 apt. 15
Tadeusz Czeżowski
Toruń, Warszawska 20