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Letter from Tadeusz Czeżowski written 10.12.1949

Date of creation 10.12.1949
Related places Toruń
Reference code in archive K_III-26_D_24
Copyrights all rights reserved
Resource type letter
Field philosophy

Toruń, 10/12/1949


                        My Dear Friend!

            I cordially thank you for your letter of 4 December and for the offprints for me and for the Seminar. I’m also attaching the Seminar’s official thanks. I’ll be awaiting the new issue of Quarterly and your article on conditional judgment with curiosity. I’m also awaiting the shipment of Philosoph. Quarterly for resale. Grzegorczyk is sending me 10 copies of Philosophical Review and I think that would also be most convenient with Quarterly.

            Best regards and cordial greetings
