Letter from Tadeusz Czeżowski written 12.04.1966
Polish Philosophical Society
Publication Committee for
the Works of
Kazimierz Twardowski
Toruń, 12/4/1966
to a meeting of the Committee on Sunday, 24 April 1966 at 12 noon at the Department of Philosophy of the Jagiellonian University, ul. Manifestu Lipcowego 13.
1. Minutes of the previous meeting of 25 April 1965.
2. Report on the status of activities.
Out-of-town members of the Committee are entitled to compensation for the costs of travel and subsistence.
Chairman of the Committee
/Prof. Dr T. Czeżowski/
Sent to:
1. Prof. Dr Tadeusz Kotarbiński, Warsaw, ul. Karowa 14/16 apt.18
2. ” ” Izydora Dąmbska, Cracow, Podwale 1 apt. 4
3. ” ” Daniela Gromska, Cracow, Bracka 1 apt. 4
4. ” ” Roman Ingarden, Cracow, Biskupia 14 apt. 15
5. ” ” Daria Lutmanowa, Wrocław 21, Oporów, Solskiego 20
6. ” ” Helena Słoniewska, Wrocław, Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 51-6
7. Dr Tadeusz Witwicki, Toruń, University
8. The Main Board of the Polish Philosophical Soc., Warsaw, Palace of Culture and Learning, rm. 1623.