Letter from Tadeusz Czeżowski written 13.12.1956
Toruń, 13 December 1956
Dear Roman!
I’m sending you (according to the information from Ms Kadlerówna) a typed manuscript of the article ‘Aristotle, Galileo, and Bacon’ intended for the commemorative book for Tatarkiewicz. I’m also attaching ‘The disdained textbook’[O1] , with the thought that the Editors might consider it suitable as well for this Book; I wrote it at one point on a commission from the Polish Academy of Sciences, then it was evidently deemed insufficiently progressive for the present times and returned to me with thanks.
We regretted your absence from the General Assembly of the Polish Philosophical Society in Warsaw on 3 December. You’ve probably had a report on it from Ms Gierulanka[O2] . I’m curious: what were the results of the meeting of members of the Polish Academy of Learning in Cracow at that time? Today I learned that the Presidium of that organisation, including the President, submitted their resignations; the final straw was some incident with Infeld concerning a critical article he’d published.
I didn’t attend the conference in Osieczna, nor am I going to the new conference organised by the Polish Academy of Sciences (Nowiński) on the same dates in the Annia-Maria [O3] in Zakopane. Not long ago, Iza D. was here with us in Toruń with a lecture on her way back from Lublin. What kind of impression did you take away from there?
Best regards and cordial holiday wishes
for your whole family from both of us
[O1]Jeszcze raz: nie jasne jak ma brzmić tytuł tego tekstu w j. angielskim
[O2]Błędna ortografia w originalnej wersji, Gerulanka
[O3]Pensjonat Anna Maria [?]