
Letter from Tadeusz Czeżowski written 29.05.1958

Toruń, 29 May 1958.

            Dear Roman!

            Thank you for your card of the 20th of this month ‒ in which, however, you didn’t respond to two already urgent matters I’d presented in my previous letter. One is the preface to Tatarkiewicz’s book. Arrange and send it as soon as possible, so it can be added to the already-finished typed manuscript, or (if none of you have time for this), authorise me to arrange something along those lines myself on the basis of points that you’ll supply me with. The other issue is the date and programme of the ceremony of presenting the book to the recipient. I proposed his name day, i.e. 27 June, but today I got a letter from him in which he writes that at the beginning of June he’s going to Brussels, as a delegate of the Polish Academy of Sciences at Union Académique, and after returning, from 20/6 to 10/7, has planned a stay with his wife at the seaside in Jurata; he’ll spend the rest of the summer in Cracow. So it’ll be necessary to arrange the date of the ceremony accordingly ‒ maybe not until autumn?

            I’m calculating the costs of preparing the typed manuscript; added to this is the price of a decorative binding (maybe in leather) for the copy for the guest of honour. It’s also necessary to push the matter of printing the book at Polish Scientific Publishers. The publishing plans for 1959 are being made now, and we have to make sure that this item is included in the plan; however, I don’t have the standing to raise this issue, since PSP has not yet turned to me with a proposal to undertake the editing ‒ maybe they’ve changed their minds?

            I was pleased at the announcement of your trip to the anniversary celebrations at the Copernicus middle school, which are to be held here in June ‒ even Gazeta Toruńska [Toruń Gazette] has mentioned your name among the expected guests ‒ I remind you here of our invitation to come down to see us. Today I received the new issue of Philosophy and Phenom. Research with your article at the forefront ‒ so maybe they’re no longer the positivists you took them for?

            Elzenberg is still in the hospital and he’s very gaunt. The bone healed well and the plaster cast has already been taken off, but he’s got big bed sores and is very emaciated and weak, to the point that his condition disturbs us. He’s getting very diligent medical care.

My wife and I send our best regards
to both of you
