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Postcard from Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 20.11.1947

Date of creation 20.11.1947
Related places Warszawa
Reference code in archive K_III-26_D_76
Copyrights all rights reserved
Resource type postcard
Field philosophy

Dear honoured colleague,

I cordially thank you for your expressions of sympathy during these truly difficult times.

The suggestion to place the matter of the Philos. Congress in the hands of the Polish Academy of Learning suits me perfectly. And if you wouldn’t mind communicating with the Gen. Secretary, please do so in my name as well. I hope that the future Pol. Philos. Soc. won’t hold it against us.

            I attach expressions of profound esteem and cordial greetings

                                                                                             Wł. Tatarkiewicz



W. Tatarkiewicz
Krak. Przedm. 26/28


The Honourable Prof. Dr
Roman Ingarden
Biskupia 14