Letter from Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 24.05.1966
24 May 1966
Dear Roman. I returned from the trip satisfied. The Parisian lecture (at the Societé Française d’Esthétique) and the one in the section of the Polish Academy of Sciences were (for the speaker) pleasant. The same for the Amsterdam lectures. The entire stay in the Netherlands was nice; I stayed at Mr and Mrs Akr’s, and travelled with them for a weekend by the sea. The beginning of the trip was dramatic indeed: when I landed in Paris, I couldn’t find my suitcase (which also contained typed manuscripts and the texts of the lectures). At western airports, everyone takes their luggage without showing their tickets; some distracted Frenchman took my suitcase. After a few hours he brought it back to me, adding that he was distracted, not dishonest.
n In June we were about to go to Yugoslavia; we had a passport insert, dinars, a reserved flight; however, when we started to inform ourselves about the details, we became discouraged, gave up our trip, and decided just to go to our [Polish] seaside: colder, but with less discomfort. – However, I’m thinking about Copenhagen in September.
n What would you say about ‘changing the mode of educating philosophical cadres’? Good that we’re no longer involved.
n I have a request for you. The current volume of Aesthetic Studies is supposed to include my photograph. Well, I’d like it to be the one you once took in Rabka. I have a print, but it’s sharp, which is not very good for making a printing plate. Do you still have the negative? If so, could I ask you for a print? Thank you in advance.
n A handshake
n WTat