
Letter of thanks written n/d

Author Board
Related places Toruń
Reference code in archive n.d.
Copyrights all rights reserved
Resource type letter
Subject matter academic issues
Field n/d

    v      To
Dr Roman Ingarden
(by way of the Headmaster’s office, state mid. sch. in Toruń)
  v      v      v    in Toruń

Letter of thanks    v        v      v      v      v      v    v 


  v      v    To supplement the letter L 87 26/25 II, dated 17/6/25, notifying you of your transfer to the state mid. sch. no. 5 in Lviv, I hereby express my thanks to you for your activities in the local State XXX full appreciation. During your three years of work at this establishment, you have shown exemplary diligence in carrying out your teaching duties, a high level of professional knowledge, and outstanding pedagogical talent. To the universal respect you enjoyed among the parents of your students, your colleagues, and your students themselves, I add on my part expressions of full appreciation.
