Letter to Irena Krońska written in 19.01.1955
v v v Krakow, 1/19/1955
Dear Ms. Irena,
v v upon returning from Zakopane /where the weather was impossible until the very end, constant changes in atmospheric pressure, I did not get a heart attack or cerebral attack, so it is not that bad, but it still did not help at all/ I received the new Philosophy Journal; it contains a number of items important for our publishing house. Maybe the Editorial Committee could see to bringing them around. In Anna Maria I met a certain Mr. Walicki, who is the deputy administrative director of the 1st Department of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He told me that the PAS imports books and that he could speak in support the Committee’s reasonable demands in this case. Either way, I am giving you the titles because maybe you could do something about it. I am ready to cooperate.
v v 1. The Ethics of Aristotle: the Nicomachean Ethics, By J.A.K. Thomson /George Allen und Unwin, LTD. Pp. 189, Price 18 s. – 1953/.
v v 2. Kant, Prolegomena to any future metaphysics… Translated P.G. Lucas /Manchester Univ. Press, 1953, pp. XLI + 155. Price 12 s 6 d/.
v v 3. Descartes’s Philosophical Writings. Selected and translated by Norman Kemp Smith, /Macmillan 1952, Pp. VII + 316, Price 25 s./.
v v 4. Norman Kemp Smith, New Studies in the Philosophy of Descartes, Macmillan 1952. Pp. 369 + VIII, Price 25 s./
v v 5. Sir David Ross, Kant’s Ethical Theory: A Commentary on the Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten, Oxford University Press, 1954. Pp 96. 5 s./
v v 6. Sir David Ross /trans and Ed./ The Nichomachean Ethics of Aristotle. Oxford University Press, 1954. PP. 283. 5 s?
v Since I am leaving for a lecture in Lublin with /at the Polish Philosophical Society/ in the middle of February, I would very much like the meeting of the Ed. Committee to take place either before the February 12th or after the 18th. Would you be able arrange it that way? I would be v. grateful for that.
v How is your daughter’s health? I think that all is probably already well, only she might still have to rest and stay at home.
I send you my cordial greetings and bows