Letter to the Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy written 03.06.1955
Prof. R. Ingarden c c c c c c c Krakow, 6/3/1956
Krakow, Biskupia 14
c The Editorial Committee of the Library of the Classics of Philosophy
c c c c c c c c c in WARSAW
I respectfully report that
1. I have reviewed and corrected Ms. W. Wojciechowska’s translation Condillac’s “Treatise on Sensation” and her “Introduction from the translator”. A few days ago I sent both of them to Ms. Wojciechowska, who must now determine the final form of her translation. As for the “Introduction”, I recommended a number of changes and additions and I am willing to continue to cooperate in its development. When I receive both back, I will make decisions regarding the final results of my work and send the copy for printing to the Editorial Committee.
The matter of which copy to make the final corrections on eluded me. If the corrections can be made on the copy intended for printing, it would be advisable that the Editorial Committee kindly send one copy of the translation to Ms. Wojciechowska /current address: Resztówka Szybka, post office Radziejów, poviat Aleksandrów Kujawski/. If the copy sent by the Committee to printing has to be clean, then maybe Ms. Wojciechowska can make changes to her copy, and send the Committee the one she will have rewritten in whole.
2. In order to adjust the terminology of Kant’s “Prolegomena” to that present in the exising translation of “Critique of Pure Reason”, I am working with Suchorzewska, PhD, who is also working on the subject index and the editor’s introduction.
c In view of the mistake that occurred in the Polish Scientific Publishers PWN’s publishing plan as to the editor of the new edition of the translation of Kant’s Prolegomena, a mistake wronging Ms. Suchorzewska, it would be imperative that PWN makes an official statement explaining that this is only a mistake in printing. Ms. Suchorzewska in upset not only by the fact that her name has been replaced by another, but – as I infer – suspects that it did not happen by accident, but in agreement with me. It is extremely disconcerting to me, as I have nothing to do with this matter
c In July I am to receive the full text from Ms. Suchorzewska and I shall start reviewing everything.
c 3. I am currently reviewing the translation of “Conversation with Burman” by prof. I, Dąmbska, and comparing it with the corrections made by prof. Legowicz. This work is very arduous, since it requires simultaneous comparison of three texts /including the original /. So far, I am partially restoring prof. Dąmbska’s original wording and partially accepting prof. Legowicz’s suggestions, and finally there are places where I introduce an entirely new version of the translation. Please kindly inform me if I should proceed this way with the entire translation or if the Committee is only interested in my general opinion, so that then the translator can develop the final version. If the former is to take place, this work will need at least a month.
c c c c c c I would like to kindly ask for a few words of reply
My deepest respect
I am running out of typewriter paper, and completely out of copy paper. If PWN could issue me a certificate for both, maybe I would manage to get my hands on some here.