Letter from Tadeusz Czeżowski written 29.03.1969
Toruń, 29 March 1969.
Dear Roman!
Thank you very much for your letter of the 27th of this month and the offprint of ‘The question of the application of statistical methods … ’ (I read it immediately; your position in this matter is completely correct). I’m grateful to you for all the information and concerned about the Herder foundation; as for Such., I found a place for Ms[O1] G’s letter at her request, and she’s probably responsible for giving the incorrect information signed with her name. Thank you also for the information about your lectures; it’s important for Movement.
I was in Warsaw at the general assembly of the Polish Philosophical Society, where I saw, among others, Ms Gierulanka and Stróżewski. The meeting took the usual course, but I was glad that I’d been able to participate in it. Now I’m thinking of going to Cracow for a conference on the history of logic, 25‒26/4, and I’m glad that I’m going to see you all[O2] . I’m supposed to stay with Ms Iza, who knows the secret of my current, stricter diet, thanks to which, at any rate, I feel completely well. As in previous years, I would like to have a meeting of the Committee for the publication of Twardowski’s writings on Sunday, 27 April at noon (there’s nothing to be done at the moment, but it’ll be good to talk about these matters), and ‒ if it suits you ‒ I’d propose my lecture at the Cracow Branch of the Polish Philosophical Society for the afternoon of Saturday, 26 April, the subject being ‘The criterion of truth and the postulate of justification’.
Tadeusz Witwicki has undergone a difficult operation, but he feels well enough that he’s announcing the resumption of his classes at the University here as early as April.
Tonia and I cordially thank you for the Easter greetings and send them
in return for your whole family, attaching best regards,
I kiss your wife’s hand and give yours a good firm shake
Your Tad
[O1]Lub Mr
[O2]lub you both.