Letter to the Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy written 08.02.1951
Editorial Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy. c Krakow, 2/8/1952
Department: German philosophy
Krakow, L. 7/52
v The Editorial Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy at the SPI
v Warsaw, Nowy Świat St. 35 apt. 4a
vI confirm the receipt and give my thanks for the following documents:
- A letter from 1/18/1952 regarding the translation of Kant’s Prolegomena /Bornstein-Suchorzewska/ along with two copies of Suchorzewska, PhD’s translation in typescript. The attachments include W. Galeński’s corrections made to Rudniański’s translation of De la Mettrie’s Man a Machine. I have submitted the corrections to the LCP Committee at the PAAS. Also attached: a copy of a letter to Suchorzewska, PhD, from 1/18/1952 from the Office of the Editorial Committee of the LCP.
- A letter from the 21st of the present month to the undersigned regarding the certificate of employment at the Editorial Committee – for housing purposes, together with the appropriate certificate.
I have started reviewing Bornstein-Suchorzewska’s translation /Kant-Prologomena/. I can devote two hours a day to this task, but since I have found that I need to review the entire translation, not just the corrections proposed by Mrs. Suchorzewska, it will take about two months. Therefore, I am requesting the Office of the Editorial Committee to send me a copy of Bornstein’s translation. I am currently only in possesion of a copy borrowed from the Seminary of Philosophy of Jagiellonian University, which I cannot write on. It would make my work technically easier if I could mark the fragments that recquire changing on a printed copy.
v I intend to begin rewriting the finished part of my translation of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason in the near future. Please kindly inform me if the Office of the Editorial Committee could buy me /on my behalf/ 1000 sheets of copy paper and 1000 sheets of white typewriter paper. It is currently impossible to get in Krakow. If this were not possible, I would be grateful to at least get a formal disposition for the purchase of paper /I believe SPI issues such documents/. Although typewriter paper cannot currently be found in Krakow, the document should allow me to buy said paper here in the near future.
/prof. Roman Ingarden/