Letter to the Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy written 23.06.1951
Editorial Committee of the Library c Kraków, 4/23/1951
c of Classics of Philosophy
Department: German Philosophy
c of the 17th and 18th century
The Office of the Editorial Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy at the SPI
c c c c c c c c c c in Warsaw
I would like to kindly inform you that assuming that one author’s sheet contains 40,000 characters, the following works will /approximately/ reach the following volumes:
- Kant, Prolegomena, 8 ½ sheet
- Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, 39 sheets /including Lesarten/
- Critique of practical reason, 10 ½ sheet
- Kant, Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, 4 and ¾ sheet
- Descartes, Regulae plus Recherche de la verité, 5.1 sheets
The calculation has been based on the original /not the translation/. In addition, it should be remembered that a glossary of terms, an index and footnotes will be added to each text.
Please be informed that I am willing to re-edit the translation of Kant’s Zur Grunulegung der Metaphysik der Sitten /Wartenberg/ and that I could do so before proceeding with the translation of the Critique of Pure Reason. The Committee of the Library of Classics would, however, have to provide me with a copy of Wartenberg’s translation, because I believe that rewriting the text would be a waste of time, and the re-editing could be done on a printed copy, with suggestions written out on a typewriter taped to the margins. However, such a copy is bound to be destroyed in the printing process, as the printing house has to cut it up into individual sheets. To conclude, I must emphasize that since the contract regarding my role as an editor of the German section is to come into force only from July 1, the Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy owes me a separate remuneration for activities carried out before July 1, 1951 /including: participation in two meetings on June 18 and 19 in Warsaw, negotiating with possible translators, correspondence etc./