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Letter to the Committee of the Library of Classics of Philosophy written 26.08.1952

The Editorial Committee of the LCP                                                   Krakow, 8/26/1952
department: German philosophy
L 48/52


     b  The Editorial Committee of the LCP
     b  at Polish Scientific Publishers PWN
     b   Warsaw, Foksal St. 17.


I would like to report that today Jerzy Gałecki, PhD has delivered to me the third installment of his translation of Herder’s work “Ideen zu eine [r] Philosophie der Geschichte der Menscheit”, pp. 206-305. I shall start reviewing it at the beginning of September.
I would also like to inform that I have examined around a dozen pages of the A. Zieleńczyk’s translation of Fichte’s “Bestimmung des Menschen” with the proposed corrections by T. Witwicki, PhD. I came to the conviction that T. Witwicki, PhD usually aptly points out the spots in A. Zieleńczyk’s translation which would require some reconsideration, however, some suggestions for changes put forward by Mr. Witwicki raise certain doubts. At the same time, I came to the conclusion that conducting a thorough analysis of all proposed revisions and checking A. Zieleńczyk’s translation would require a lot of painstaking work, which I would not be able to take on due to a plethora of other activities. Perhaps it would be best to ask Witwicki, PhD […] to examine the proposed changes once more.

My deepest respect

/prof. R.Ingarden/

I can send in Zieleńczyk, PhD’s translation at any time, unless there is a committee meeting on September 1.