
Letter to Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 07.01.1967

Roman Ingarden
Cracow, Biskupia 14

Cracow, 7 January 67

                Dear Władysław,

                                              Thank you very much for your latest letter. I’m glad that Volume III of the History of Aesthetics has already gone to press; it’ll probably be released soon.

                As for the text of my invitation to the International Committee of Congresses of Aesthetics, I recently discovered this paper in the portfolio of old documents that I once brought from Lviv. Unfortunately, my name doesn’t appear in the text of this paper; it was on the envelope, which I didn’t keep. Nevertheless I had photocopies made, and I’m sending you one copy; you can consider what ought to be done and whether to initiate something after so many years. Souriau simply[O1]  took advantage of the fact that Bayer was already paralysed and conveniently took it upon himself to arrange everything. At one point I wrote to Prof. Michelis [O2] in Athens about the whole business, after the congress at which you were re-elected to the Committee, but Michelis answered that he hadn’t heard anything about it, and the matter ended there. I wrote, of course, that both of us had belonged to this Committee since 1937 and that it was an illegitimate joke to re-elect you with the pretence that nobody knew anything. Perhaps the documents of the Paris Committee were lost during the war, but I doubt Bayer was living at home in Paris the entire time (I visited him in 1946 on the way back from the Congress in Rome; he received me very warmly and in the course of the conversation even brought up the question of the next congress of aesthetics). Later he wrote to me several times, but then he contracted this illness, despite which he continued to work and to make himself available, because I even received a letter from him after he had become ill. Thus I’m inclined to doubt that Souriau was unable to find out how matters stood.

                It’s possible that I’ll be in Warsaw in mid-January. I’ll call you. For now, cordial greetings and best regards to your wife.

                                                      Your Roman


[I’m enclosing the photocopy]



[O1]Oryg: po prosu, chyba po prostu
[O2]Oryg: Michellis, akurat Michelis (Panayotis Michelis)