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Letter to Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 24.08.1966

Dear Władysław,

            I haven’t replied yet to your previous letter, because I’ve got a lot of work to do. Today I received the second one, and I thank you very much for both. Don’t bother with that offprint if you don’t have it any more; too bad, I was curious about it. It’s certain that I didn’t receive it. I’ll be in Warsaw between 3 and 5 September before leaving for Copenhagen, attending to passport issues; I’ll definitely come down to see you; I’ll call when I arrive. We’ll probably leave at 6 am via Poznań-Szczecin. From Copenhagen we’ll continue to Oslo, where I’m supposed to have lectures, and only then to Paris, where I’ll remain for some time. The idea of the trip to Oslo came into existence only during July, when I was invited first to serve as a reviewer of a doctoral dissertation and then to give lectures. I’ve never been to Norway and was tempted into going, particularly since my son hasn’t been there yet either. I’m just hoping the weather’s good and my leg improves; at the moment it’s still bothering me.

                       Cordial greetings and best regards to your wife

                                                                                                      Your Roman

Cracow, 24 August 66