Letter to Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 25.10.1960
Rkp 1529
Cracow, 25/10/1960
Dear Władysław,
I found your letter upon returning from Łódź, where I attended the congress of the Association of Art Historians. I’m writing right away to thank you for it, since, as a result of your letter, I began to perceive a potential rejection of Ms. Łobaczewska’s paper. I think that this would be harmful to Ms Łobaczewska as well as to the detriment of Aesthetics. The paper certainly contains new results, and the very question of the structure of a musical work (and moreover, in various epochs or styles) is important. I ask you, then, not to address this matter negatively. I don’t want to interfere with the Editorial Board’s guidelines, but I believe that papers that emerge from specific situations in particular arts, even if quite specialised, should find a place within the framework of Aesthetics. As well, Ms Łobaczewska is certainly one of the best musicologists in Poland, certainly no worse than e.g. Lissa, including the fact that she is much more reliable in terms of having faith in the subject she is researching.
As for my Athenian article, in a few days I’ll send you the Polish translation. These two days in Łódź took me away from work to some extent.
Cordial greetings
/signature/ Your Roman
[Handwritten addition]
Białostocki disappointed me in Łódź. So did a paper by the (absent) Wallis; even though 90% true, it seemed to me too conservative.