
Letter to Władysław Tatarkiewicz written 22.10.1957

Archive Archive KUL
Date of creation 22.10.1957
Related places Cracow, Warsaw
Reference code in archive Rkp_1529
Copyrights all rights reserved
Resource type letter

Rkp 1529

Cracow, 22/10/57

Dear Władysław,

                               thank you for the letter I received today, and I’m glad you’ve started lecturing again and that you had such a group of people at the lecture. I wish you the greatest success!

                Here, whatever happened happened at the Jagiellonian University. A copy of a letter came to me, transferring me to Cracow and assigning me to the faculty of logic (!), for now, evidently, until such time as the reorganisation of the faculties of philosophy in Poland is carried out. Apparently as well, the Ministry has decided that Iza is supposed to come to Cracow. But everything is supposed to be arranged in only 2 months. I intend to start lectures in a week!

                Since I don’t know when my transfer from the University of Warsaw to the Jagiellonian University becomes effective, I’m sending you [in] the enclosure authorisation to collect my monthly salary, because it’s possible that this matter in Warsaw won’t be settled before 1/3. But probably it won’t, because I evidently have to return to Cracow immediately after 1[O1] /3, so maybe you’ll be so good as to bring the money to Cracow, and I’ll take it after you get back. Otherwise, nothing new with me.

                               Cordial greetings until we meet again

                                                                                            /signature/ Roman



[O1]W oryg.: ! zamiast 1