Postcard from Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz written 06.10.1935
6.X 1935 NΠ 14 [ =ND no drinking] 14 NP. 31 [= no smoking] 31 NΠπ [no drinking beer] m[onth]
Honoured and Dear Professor: Thank you v[ery] much for your letter with the [reading] list. Of course, I would like to ask you k[indly] to lend me those things that you possess and don’t need at the moment. I suspect you have received my letter, in which I thank you for the work sent (and I like this way of circulation – too bad!) and I ask you for an opinion about Rickert and the physio-philosophical description (look and view) of Mehlberg and I expressed my rage at Twardowski that he had confused it all. I’m still working on Wh[itehead], I’ve written 203 pages. He loses a lot upon closer inspection. I enclose heartfelt greetings to you both,
n n Witkacy
I remain here up to 13/X [13th October]. Then 3 days in Krakow and Warsaw. I have a premonition of some g[igantic] universal confusion. Some of my prophecies are already fulfilled. When will it be psychic?
Dr. Roman Ingarden
Prof. of Jan Kazimierz University
Zacharjewicza Street 7, apt. 8