Letter from Jan Maria Bocheński written 27.04.1957
April 27, 1957
c Honorable Professor,
c In connection with the last letter, I would like to inform you that Professor cannot accept the proposed date of 5/7 (or later) it would still be possible to organize an evening for you at the Society, while Professor Sciacca would give his lecture at the Faculty.
c The board urged me to ask Professor to come to Freiburg and inform you that in order to facilitate your visit they canceled the meeting with prof. Sciacca scheduled for May 3rd.
c Of course, it would be much better if we could host Professor on Monday 5/6, or later.
c For clarity I am presenting our calendar below
5/3 Friday: Prof. Sciacca at 6:00 p.m. (Faculty)
c c c possibly Professor at 8:15 p.m. (Society)
5/4 Saturday no lectures
5/5 Sunday not possible
5/6 Monday: the first possible date for the Professor’s lecture at the Faculty
c c c at 6:00 p.m. and at the Society at 8:15 p.m. (or the second
c c c lecture could be moved to next day)
I apologize for the trouble and thank you in advance for everything that you would be willing to do for us. My deepest respect
Jan Bocheński
PS. Ms. M. Aebi, PhD, will provide Professor with a pied-a-terre (room) to be at your disposal in Zurich (Zürichbergstrasse 144 XXX XXX).